Friday, June 15, 2012

Things have started happening!

Friends, We here at GamesWithBeej pride ourselves in providing reviews and news pieces with an occasional opinion piece thrown in there. But, there have been a few unexpected hurdles in this process. Namely, I, the guy who has been running this show, am poor and can barely afford to pay rent as of late. I have thought of a solution to the problem.

GamesWithBeej is expanding! I have added for sure one additional review person full time, and am working on getting a system to allow me to get a few more games. Also, we are developing a gaming based comic for your reading/viewing pleasure. We've also added a Facebook profile.

So, like us on Facebook -
Follow myself on twitter - thebeej82490
friend me on PSN - thebeej82490

This venture rests on your support. If you like us, share us. Tell your friends about what we are and what we do. Thank you for everything and as always, See You Online!

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