Sunday, December 6, 2015

Holiday Haul

2015 has come and is basically gone at this point. The holiday season is over and all of the major games are out. This holiday season I decided to embrace my old hobby and really try to get back into playing some video games. I'd like to think it was a successful endeavor. What follows is a short list of what I've picked up since September and a quick little snippet of what I thought of the games.

Halo 5: Guardians - Halo 5 was what started it for me. I picked this up after a long internal debate and I was not disappointed. I really enjoyed the campaign of the game, and the multiplayer has been a lot of fun. The 60fps speed is really snappy and helps make the experience feel a lot more sharp. I'd recommend Halo 5.

Star Wars: Battlefront - Here's a game I have some mixed opinions on. On the one hand, it's Star Wars: Battlefront! On the other, it's a very shallow (basically) multiplayer only shooter. The level design works for the game, however there just aren't enough environments to play in. Player progression is pretty limited also. There's only 11 main weapons, and a handful of gadgets to set yourself apart from your competitors. The other unlocks are only cosmetic for your character. The mechanics work very well though, and the game is absolutely beautiful. Star Wars: Battlefront is a lighter version of Battlefield with a Star Wars skin slapped on it. I'd say if you can get it on sale, go ahead. But don't expect a super deep and enthralling game.

Fallout 4 - Fallout 4 is an expanded Fallout 3 plus Skyrim. The world is great, the characters are wonderful. There's a host of new mechanics in the game that make it a lot of fun. Fallout does have a good number of technical issues, which are all standard Bethesda problems at this point. Civilization building is a blast though. The gunplay has been significantly improved as well. I would very much recommend Fallout 4.

Lego Dimensions - This is the one I have played the least out of my purchases. Lego Dimensions is your completely standard Lego game. Break stuff, get money and collectibles, and do this until everything is done. Lego Dimensions takes the Skylanders route though where you buy the mini figs and little vehicles separately from the main game and can use those characters in game. It's fun, looks great, sounds great, and has a lot of customization for being a Lego game. I would recommend this one if you like the Skylanders business model and enjoy the Lego games.

Still on my list to hopefully get this year is Just Cause 3. I've seen a handful of videos from the game and I really just want to see if it's as great as it looks. Rainbow Six: Siege looks like it could be fun, but I'm going to wait on that one for a while.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Fallout 4: 16 Hours In

I've now spent over 16 hours with Fallout 4 (Sorry, I've been on mandatory overtime at work...) and I can say that while it has a LOT more to offer than Fallout 3 did, I'm seeing a sad pattern in Bethesda games.

I have now made several settlements, completed a few story missions, and a good handful of sidequests. My favorite new feature of Fallout 4 is the crafting system. It allows for a very nice amount of customization between all of my weapons, though there are some drawbacks. I'm still using two weapons I got within the first couple hours of my playing, one of them being my original 10mm pistol. Bethesda's choice to forego weapon degradation is an interesting one, as I've now modded my original gun to be my go to weapon in many situations.

I've spent a large amount of my 16 hours building settlements. I'm not great, but the tools offered are both nice and sorta limited. Having to place buildings from a first person perspective is fine, but only being able to do it from standing/walking around is kinda difficult at times. Moving the piece can be a bit of a crap-shoot as well as they don't move forward or backwards well. That said, you can rotate and stack pieces for days.

The movement and shooting in Fallout 4 are so much better than in the previous two Fallout games. Shooting feels precise and accurate, while fast and frantic at times. I've only encountered a couple glitches in shooting where the hit detection wasn't quite working right. Movement has been made much nicer too with everything working relatively alright. I haven't had any issues getting stuck yet anyway. My biggest issue with combat comes from running into a very high number of legendary and extra difficult enemies while having a relatively low amount of ammo. This may just be me, but it seems that the ammo in the Commonwealth is hard to come by sometimes.

The quests aren't too bad, though I've found some of them to be a bit tedious. Following NPCs around is just a chore most of the time as they move slow, albeit faster than in Fallout 3. Overall I've enjoyed the quests I've done to this point. My personal follower hasn't really gotten in my way or caused me any issues on any missions or wandering I've done so far.

A bit of a complaint now. Fallout 4 suffers from many of the same ridiculous glitches that Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion, and Skyrim all had. Followers disappear sometimes, the game occasionally breaks, framerate stutters often, and a host of others. Many of these are things we've come to know and love about Bethesda games, others, are annoyances that I'm beginning to find unacceptable. But, that said, this is a pretty straightforward Bethesda open world RPG for better or worse.

So, that's where I stand after 16 hours with Fallout 4. Would I recommend it? Yeah, I'd say pick it up, especially if you enjoyed Fallout 3 and New Vegas, as Fallout 4 provides many improvements over those games while keeping the developer's signature problems in tact. Here's hoping the next few patches will fix the issues a bit and make the game even more fun than it already is.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Fallout 4 Six Hours In

So, I got an Xbox One last year. I also got divorced, moved in with our sports writer, and we've dropped to a two man operation from the 4 we had. My personal life has been a rollercoaster over the last year, and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. To that end, I'm hoping to be able to get back to doing this on the regular again. We've been playing a lot of board games as of late and while that's been fun, I've recently picked up my controller and began to play video games again.

Now for the reason you're all here. The title of the article. I've only spent around 6 hours with Fallout 4 so far, and I've got to say... holy crap. This game is wonderful. I've had a couple minor glitches with some enemies, random deaths, and some loot problems, but overall, I'm enjoying my time in the Commonwealth.

Fallout 4 is an improvement in every way over the previous generation's iterations of Fallout. The world is much more dense, which is fantastic. Combat is much more fluid, with the shooting feeling particularly nice. Customization has gone through the roof with both weapons and armor being customizable. Armor customization is a bit more limited in some ways, with several suits and outfits taking up all slots, where as others are very modular and allow swapping between any at any time. Weapons though, are completely customizable. Everything in the wasteland is made of components for customization or building. Weapons break down into several categories and each category has several upgrades for you to work towards. You can also store a limitless amount of crap in workbenches throughout the world, so you could in theory always have a stockpile of junk ready to go. I haven't spent much time with the settlement builder yet, but what I've done has been pretty great and allowed me to build some fun structures. I'll know more on that later I think.

The gameplay is basically the same as the last two games. V.A.T.S. is back and works wonderfully, the shooting and movement are spot on, and the game controls much better than the previous games. Dialogue is much better, with no clunky menus to navigate through, though you are limited (so far) to only 4 dialogue choices at a time. The looting has changed a bit and caused some issues for me as I'm still not used to it. Gone are the game pausing pop-up menus where your inventory and the container or corpse's inventory are side by side. Hover over something and a list pops up with what's there. You tap a button to take it, or another button to bring up your inventory to dump stuff. It's very nice. Visually it doesn't break any records, but the game looks great. I have found myself getting absorbed into the game quite a bit in my short time. Here's to more Fallout, but I probably won't get around to any more play time until Friday.

EA Sports UFC 2 Info!

Today, EA Sports officially announced what they were teasing at yesterday: EA Sports UFC 2 is coming soon. How soon? Spring 2016. If it lines up with the previous incarnation's date, look for a window between May 10th and June 21st. My guess would be June 14th, as that is almost two years to the day of the release of EA Sports UFC on June 17th, 2014. EA already stated that they expect this to be a biannual release. While not much information is available now, EA Sports did release a brief trailer for the upcoming game. They will have a full list of features this Friday, but until then, here is a list of the modes that we were able to screen grab from the trailer:

The Ultimate Fighter
Fight Now
Live Events
Custom Events
Ultimate Team
Knockout Mode
Quick Fight
Online Rivalries
Ranked Championships
Fighter Store
Career Mode
Skills Challenge
Practice Mode
At least one other mode that was unrecognizable at this moment.

Most of these modes seem pretty straight forward. The only ones that are open to interpretation are Ultimate Team, Knockout Mode, and The Ultimate Fighter. Ultimate Team appears to be similar to the card collecting game found in other EA Sports titles such as FIFA, NHL, and Madden. The Ultimate Fighter Mode could potentially be a branch off of the beginning of Career Mode in the previous EA Sports UFC, where your created fighter has to fight his way through the tournament/reality TV show in order to make it to the UFC. Knockout Mode could be more of an arcade fight, as opposed to a simulation style fight experience. Hopefully we will know more about all of the modes this Friday. Thanks for visiting and stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

It's Been a While

Hello Internet! I figured I'd write up a post, seeing how I haven't talked to you guys in quite the long time. Life's been in a rough patch, both personally and professionally for me as of late and I haven't had much of a chance to do much gaming in the last year.

Some things to note that have happened/are happening:

I started a Dungeons and Dragons group with some friends. We meet (roughly) weekly in a world that was created by myself and one of the players. We're playing under a slightly modified 3.5 edition ruleset. If you're interested, I can post some summaries of how that goes. I'm actually thinking of doing that here anyway.

Next, my wife bought me an Xbox One back in May. I currently have Call of Duty: Ghosts, Watch Dogs, Dead Rising 3, Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition, Forza 5, and, Peggle 2. I'll give you brief impressions of all of them here:

Call of Duty: Ghosts - Standard COD fare here. Nothing overly special to write home about. Campaign is mind numbingly average, multiplayer is the same old moderately ok run and gun we've come to know and expect from COD. Graphics are kinda bad, and sound is fairly solid. I'd write more, but there really isn't anymore to write.

Watch Dogs - I really wanted to like this game. Sadly, I don't. There are some quirks with it that I can't get past. If you're driving, the cops are FREAKING RELENTLESS and I can not outrun them. However, I ducked into a train tunnel with a level three wanted level and waited for like 10 minutes and they were gone. Also, the cops CANNOT GO OVER WATER. I will repeat that. Cops cannot travel over water. Unless in a helicopter. Then, you shoot them out from your impenetrable island fortress, and they forget you exist. The graphics were kinda muddy for my liking, the driving was...something, also, you can't free fire. You have to aim down the sights to shoot. Unless you're aiming with the left trigger, pulling the right trigger to fire your weapon will cause you to sprint. However, I did enjoy the hacking mechanic, the world, and some of the minigames. Overall though, I was moderately disappointed with Watch Dogs.

Dead Rising 3 - I haven't played enough of this game to really know about it. Seems like it's going to be fun though.

Diablo 3: UEE - Similar situation to Dead Rising, except I've played a bit more Diablo. The wife and I are both having a good time with Diablo 3. I've got a Demon Hunter for my solo run, and I'm running a Wizard for our co-op run. She's running a Barbarian for both her solo and co-op. I'm at level 8ish on my solo, she's at 16 on her solo, and our co-op is like 5ish.

Forza 5 - Pretty great racing game. It's quite deep, and the real world cars are fantastic. Also, you can damage them a bit, which is fun for me. I don't get into the tuning and mechanical stuff in these types of games really. The racing is tight, responsive, and looks freaking beautiful. The Drivatar mechanic where it takes other drivers stats and ports them into your game based on difficulty choice is great. It allows you to race against friends and strangers without officially racing them online.

Peggle 2 - I am not happy with this purchase. You get the absolutely solid and fantastic gameplay of Peggle, with all of the bullcrap that comes with an EA game. This time around, instead of 10 masters and 110 levels, you get 5 masters, 50 levels, plus 10 challenge levels for each master. You can buy (at time of writing) 2 more masters, unlocking 20 more levels and challenge levels, but they cost $5 each. NOT COOL EA!

Enough about the games there. We've got to talk about the system! Xbox One is a system that's designed to take control of your living room and be the go-to device for everything you need. Ir might do that, I haven't figured out how yet. The interface is fairly frustrating to navigate through. Things are not easy to find, and it uses the Windows 8 and Windows Mobile setup. I don't like that, I never have, and I doubt I ever will. The system works great. I run my cable box through it. Netflix, Hulu, WWE Network, YouTube, Amazon Prime Instant Video, all work great through the system. I like what it does, just not quite how it does it. I can't seem to figure out how to actually turn off apps and such, other than cycling through a bunch of other apps until it has to close a previous one. I had an issue where YouTube had frozen, but I couldn't figure out how to reset it until I had left it off for a while and used several other things to cycle through.

 Overall, I like mine, and would recommend a buy if you are looking for more of a multimedia box than a strictly gaming box. Otherwise, go with a PS4 or Wii-U.

I won't go into much detail as I'm trying to avoid a political battle here, but I'd like to go on the record and say that we do NOT support the actions of Zoe Quinn or anything relating to that business. We are an independent gaming blog worked on by a husband, a wife, and their friend. We do not have any kind of Patreon accounts to games, we don't have any donations to Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. If anyone here does anything like that, they will not be allowed to post anything relating to that project. Plain as that. It's pretty sad that things like this mess have happened.

That's all for now. I'll try and be back more regularly! Thanks for reading, and as always, see you online!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Another Battlefield 4 Update

So here we stand, another update has hit Battlefield 4 on PC. This time, I was actually able to play through two rounds before I quit for the night. I was able to hit the exit button on my own, I wasn't booted due to a crash. That said, I'm only running about 20 frames a second while I play. Sometimes it jumps up to anywhere from 60 to 90, but as soon as I round a corner or something moves, my framerate drops down to the low 20's. So, we're getting better!

I'm looking to upgrade my old video card too. After I sell my laptop to pay bills, the remaining cash will be used to buy some much needed upgrades to my poor machine. I'm running an AMD Phenom II X4 955 processor that's overclocked to 3.5ghz. There's also an ATI Radeon HD 5770 1gb video card that' been mildly overclocked as well. Follow that with 4gb of 1600mhz DDR 3 RAM and you've got a system that's starting to show its age. For those interested I'm upgrading to 8gb of RAM and I'm going between an AMD R9 280X and an AMD R9 290X. There's a significant price difference and I've got to do some creative manuvering to get either card to fit into my case, which surprised me, but it should be fun. I'll update when I decide on what I'm going with and when I buy it.

Finally, the Steam Holiday Sale has begun, so, prepare your wallets. Nothing seemed to spectacular today, but that's just my opinion. I'm hoping to maybe pick up CoD: Ghosts(not on sale) or Assassin's Creed 4(also not on sale, maybe not even on Steam) if I manage to get that new video card, but we'll see. Also, there's a website - that's got some pretty nice deals for more indie and classic games. If you haven't heard of them, I say check 'em out. Their games are all DRM free and a lot of them work on both Windows and Mac.

Take it easy internet, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah. Whatever your particular celebration of choice, Happy Whatever and play some games!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Battlefield 4 (PC) Update

After jumping through many hoops and with the help of digging through the Reddit Battlefield community I found a list of potential fixes. I tried about 90% of them and my game actually worked! However, I went from running fairly smoothly in the test range to getting 25-32 fps while playing. It's semi-playable at best, and at worst I can't hit anything. However, it did finally work and it worked for several rounds before I got too frustrated to keep playing. So, that's that. I'm going to try and upgrade my video card at some point in the nearish future. I'm looking at an AMD R9 280X. It seems like a nice little piece of hardware and should work with my current setup. *fingers crossed*

On another note, My wife bought us matching copies of Animal Crossing: New Leaf for our 3ds systems. I've gotta say, we both love the game. I've spent nearly 30 hours in my town and causing various levels of chaos in her town. I would recommend that anyone with a 3ds check this one out.